I really like the concept of the Video Tribute
I really like the concept of the Video Tribute, but I wasn’t happy with the way I had to manage my page. It was hard to change the names of people who made their videos but didn’t include their names, so my name showed up under their videos. I followed all the instructions, but it still didn’t work. I was also disappointed that there wasn’t an option for gospel music. Another issue was that I could only pick "Birthday" even though it was meant for both "Birthday & Retirement." The cover page only showed birthday, so some people didn’t realize it was for retirement too. I also didn’t like that the cost wasn’t shown at the beginning. This was a big letdown, and more price options should be available. My final video looked the same as the preview, nothing was changed. I’m not sure if there were options to customize, but I couldn’t find them. One last thing, I had to use my desktop to finish my order and make changes. My video ended up being late because of this. Your system should work better on phones or iPads. Thank you!
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