Огляд відгуків

TiqAssist.com не має рейтингу та відгуків ще немає. Поділіться своїм досвідом та почніть формувати рейтинг! Станьте першим, хто залишить відгук і допоможе встановити рівень задоволеності клієнтів для цього бренду.

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Про компанію

This service simplifies season ticket resale with advanced technology and dedicated experts. It allows season ticket holders across NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, or MLS franchises to easily list their tickets on multiple marketplaces. Prices are adjusted every 10 minutes to ensure optimal sales, and if tickets don’t sell, a cash offer is guaranteed. Funds are deposited directly after the event, and users can choose between keeping the tickets or taking the cash. The service removes the hassle of selling season tickets, allowing fans to focus on enjoying their team’s games.

Key Details:

  • Location: The company is headquartered in Los Angeles, California, United States.
  • Founders: TiqAssist.com was founded by Chris Babu, Aaron Boyd.
  • Foundation Date: The company was established in the year 2017.

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