Огляд відгуків

HelloTalk.com має рейтинг 2.7 - сформований на основi 3 відгуків, що вказує на низький рівень задоволеності клієнтів!

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3 зірок
2 відгукiв
2 зірок
1 відгук
1 зірок
0 відгукiв
Рейтинг (1.0)

Про компанію

We're a diverse global team passionate about language and technology, boasting offices and members across continents. Our mission is to foster connections worldwide through language, culture, and community engagement. With a community exceeding 30 million members, we provide a thriving environment for individuals to connect and learn. Our platform serves as a hub for cultural exchange and linguistic exploration, welcoming individuals from all walks of life. Join us in our journey to bridge gaps and celebrate diversity on a global scale.

Key Details:

  • Location: The company is headquartered in Los Angeles, California, United States.
  • Founders: HelloTalk.com was founded by Zackery Ngai.
  • Foundation Date: The company was established in the year 2012.

Відгуки клієнтів

Сортувати за:
  • Сортувати за:
  • Актуальністю
  • Датою
  • Рейтингом
The HelloTalk application is frequently attacked
вiд Anonymous

The HelloTalk application is frequently attacked by hackers, who can access the contents of the phone, the camera, the data flow of the phone's display, etc. If you really need to use the application: - NEVER start or accept conversations with users with profiles without any information; - remove all non-essential access privileges from the application; - do not use a nickname that can be traced back to your full name or traceable on social networks; - do not provide any personal information unless you already know the person you are conversing with well; - similarly, do not include too personal details in your profile; - while using the HelloTalk app, do not use or keep other important applications in the background (e.g. home banking), close the HelloTalk app first; - be very careful...

The idea of an app for language exchange is good.
вiд Anonymous

The idea of an app for language exchange is good. But most people use it like Tinder, not for learning. Lots of stories about couples from Hellotalk on Youtube. Developers ask to report dating, but hard 'cause people don't respond. Finding serious partners is tough. Boys get few replies; girls get many, even from wrong language. App should hide pictures, age, and gender to stop dating. Random voice calls would help too.

It lets folks practice language
вiд McMillan

It lets folks practice language swap. However, like many apps uniting people, it draws in some bad apples. They should work on weeding out time wasters, fakes, and scammers. Users should rate others to steer clear of bad ones.

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