Огляд відгуків

TravelAdvantage.com має рейтинг 5.0 - сформований на основi 3 відгуків, що вказує на високий рівень задоволеності клієнтів!

5 зірок
3 відгукiв
4 зірок
0 відгукiв
3 зірок
0 відгукiв
2 зірок
0 відгукiв
1 зірок
0 відгукiв
Рейтинг (1.0)

Про компанію

Travel Advantage is a highly exclusive private membership travel platform. It offers unique benefits and services to its members. Interested individuals can learn more by emailing for additional information. The platform is designed to provide exceptional travel experiences. Membership is required to access the exclusive offerings.

Key Details:

  • Location: The company is headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, United States.
  • Founders: TravelAdvantage.com was founded by Peter Kutis.
  • Foundation Date: The company was established in the year 2013.

Відгуки клієнтів

Сортувати за:
  • Сортувати за:
  • Актуальністю
  • Датою
  • Рейтингом
Priscilla was really helpful, quick
вiд Claire

Priscilla was really helpful, quick to respond which is important in these situations, efficient and gave me a step-by-step process to give me the help I needed. Thanks a lot, Priscilla.

Thanks to Yolande for helping me switch my Milano
вiд Anonymous

Thanks to Yolande for helping me switch my Milano booking to a different time so simply. 10/10 for customer service!

Paula was very supportive
вiд Luisa

Paula was very supportive with my issue and made every part of the process simple and hassle-free. Thank you!

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Задавайте свої запитання, і наша команда з радістю на них відповість.