Огляд відгуків

The Real World by Andrew Tate має рейтинг 4.7 - сформований на основi 3 відгуків, що вказує на високий рівень задоволеності клієнтів!

5 зірок
2 відгукiв
4 зірок
1 відгук
3 зірок
0 відгукiв
2 зірок
0 відгукiв
1 зірок
0 відгукiв
Рейтинг (1.0)

Про компанію

The Real World is an exclusive online education platform with over 220,000 students learning to make money online. It is also known as Andrew Tate's University. This platform aims to provide freedom and financial independence in the modern world. It offers various courses focused on online income generation. The Real World is a leading destination for those seeking to enhance their financial skills and opportunities.

Key Details:

  • Location: The company is headquartered in Bucharest, Romania.
  • Founders: The Real World by Andrew Tate was founded by Andrew Tate.
  • Foundation Date: The company was established in the year 2021.

Відгуки клієнтів

Сортувати за:
  • Сортувати за:
  • Актуальністю
  • Датою
  • Рейтингом
I can honestly say that Real World has been a game changer for me
вiд Tom W

I can honestly say that Real World has been a game changer for me, joining gave me the push to start my own plumbing business, which is doing well. TRW offers many different ways to make money, but the business mastery campus was what helped me the most. It’s helped me focus on what’s truly important, and it also gave me the confidence to start going to the gym, which has led to me being in the best shape I’ve been in…in years. To sum it up, don’t let the media or negative opinions sway you. It’s all nonsense, take the leap and give it a go.

Big thanks to Andrew Tate and Tristan Tate
вiд Osama

Big thanks to Andrew Tate and Tristan Tate for creating such a fantastic platform that helps us excel in business and earn money while growing as individuals each day. It’s a great university with the most welcoming user experience around. They offer a wide range of courses. Definitely give it a go.

The community was nice and encouraging
вiд Anonymous

The community was nice and encouraging, the lessons were useful, and the staff/moderators were also very helpfull. The only downside was the cost—if it were more affordable or free, I would have stayed. I understand that not everything can be free, but 4000 rs per month is just too much.

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